Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pregnant Denise Milani

Breakfast: Incipit Sunday, February 28 at the gallery Ravy St., Montpelier.

of imanche February 28 at 10 am :
Breakfast & concert / performance with

B aptiste Brunello (Hip hop top Jura)

Grout / Grout (Pop / Independent / Acoustic) DJ


More info on:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wireless Usb Card Cancer

Collective exhibition gallery + Network Hartmann grocery East / West Arles

N iki t at The sso & Jean-Marc Andrieu
invite you to the opening of the exhibition

Network Hartmann
exhibition from Saturday 20 February to 27 March 2010

Julien Francioli

Pierre Guilhem Jean-Adrien Coste
Alexandre Giroux

grocery + + + gallery
June 1966 49 81 98
68 rue de Chartrouse
13200 Arles

"Hartmann's network as the network Curry, is part of the cosmo-telluric that surrounds the Earth. The existence of this network is a theory of Geobiology is the study assumed influences environmental on life, including waves associated with magnetic fields, underground streams, metal nets, geological faults, etc. ... "

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Are Ralph And Jack Gay?

Rack: Incipit of 15 to 28 February 2010 at the Galerie St. Ravy, Montpellier. Publication of

The Ass ociatio n Workshop:

Alberto Maria Jeanjacques
Abdelkader Benchamma
Armelle Caron
Pierre Coste
Guilhem D / N - Delafo
ntaine / Niel
Pablo Garcia
Alexandre Giroux
Grout / Mazéas
Reno-Lepley Torti
Michael Viala

transforms the time of a non-exhibition gallery in St Ravy a workshop of artistic production. The workshop will be open daily from 15 to 19h, more unusually

Incipit ,
Gallery Place St St Ravy Ravy 34000 Montpellier, from 15 to 28 February 2010.
Monday, February 15 from 18h to 22h : Housewarming
Thursday, February 18 at 18h : Evening presentation of artists
Thursday, February 25 to 18h: Evening presentation of artists
Sunday, February 28 at 10 am : Breakfast & concert / performance with B aptiste Brunello (Hip hop top Jura) Grout / Grout (Pop / Independent / Acoustic) DJ Bugne

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flinn Ultimate Elements Crossword Puzzle


... feel at the center of the storm. Events occur. When situations take a turn unpleasant, it is because a spiritual practice, in a form of detachment fictitious. In fact, one should not judge posting this as something fundamentally wrong, but just having the ability to recognize its artifice. Be honest with such detachment, and despite its apparent absoluteness , it also recognized its transient and illusory, but also a means of creating space. For indeed, we could almost conclude that it is spared the unpleasant and chaotic reality of everyday life. A form of cell quarantine between the meditative state and madness of everyday life. It reinforces this means the belief in a strong vacuum. We have access to an interior space very open. And it becomes extremely powerful. We recognize our own nature as devoid of reactivity. Anything can happen without disrupting our fundamental being finally detached from what happens. There is, however, a subtlety that eludes us. We would also be posted as the Buddha. Even the lack of posting becomes a weapon to cause the desired peace. I know I can not get out by creating a silence, invent peace. So I let them come, I leave act. However, in this delicate moment, the feeling of being in an uncomfortable situation face such a spiritual demand, we just become stupid. It looks a bit too much, while giving the impression not to watch and be spontaneous. It is therefore more in tune with what is actually happening. We believe it is not expected that in reality we expect, and it does not do what we do in reality. This type of spiritual repression, leaving little room situations for themselves. You spend your time to grab the present moment, while forgetting to live simply. If we are well aware of the process, we can recognize then the deeper roots of the agitation. That's the difference between the meditator to reach a state, and he who meditates because that 'he muses, of course. Something that we can not know eludes us, disturbs us, and has long been on our way of maintaining ... What to do? What is this intimate space in which we think we can hide, hide, protect life and its waves? We may call samadhi undue , not-self, self, or area duty free ... Is it only the ultimate space, devoid of qualities, we speak the wise? Y is it really?

We must realize that 'there is nothing to do with all this, nor that it are States omega to achieve. We're nowhere . Wherever we believe. It's hopeless. Remain open to this non-locality makes us extremely wary. We can thus develop a sense of energy. What is spent to keep our stories, which is released to release the game of ego. The level and magic begins. With a keen sense of the forces and strategies. The work of this detachment is made on several levels, according to our capabilities and our progress. Authentic detachment can occur only by the depletion of expectations, but also non- false expectations . The beginner is handled himself too well to qualify for any approach to detachment. He has too many spiritual expectations. Its inner complexity creates obstacles too great to allow the simplicity of such an act to happen as it should, in a fluid and lit.

To swim in the flood of a life without superimpositions, there is nothing to accept, nor that 'to reject. For all this remains a way of keeping in a fictitious strength, the apparent continuity of our lives. Detached or not, that is that this may well change our case?

Rather than these styles of strategies, they are really human qualities very simple act in this area: humility and patience. Be patient, allow time to act. Being in the eye of the cyclone, as it is, makes us alive. We face the challenge. We can even adopt a form of adversarial attitude towards life. Again, we develop a belief system, we cling to a new image, this time fluid, explosive, vivacious. We will build the idol of chaos. Assumed a new master or master not devoid of qualities. It is even possible that we were going to worship chaos. This is a new form of ignorance, because in our apparent knowledge of the impermanence , we forget the qualities eminently stable and truly transcendent of true detachment. Whoever does not exist in itself, but perpetually renews itself as a living organ, not as a safety valve. Life itself and its unpredictability comes to be overtaken by life. The detachment may be so strong energy forms, he may even that it gives the appearance of an absolute dedication. Welcome life, to live, to make himself available what comes in the chaotic flow of energy, does not remain stable in the agitation and accept it as inevitable. Rather abandon the idea that one can grasp anything, let the work accomplished in the pit of what we do, rather than what is given to the appearance. And the work accomplished in the shadows behind the act and inaction behind the thinking and strategies. It emerges from this detachment.

Being at the center of the storm is in our nature. All our mental strategies to escape would only turn around, be the storm itself. Trying not to create a place that would a gilded cage in which our soul perceives free. There is freedom for He who has never known cages.
(Text written by Morgan February 12, at Kashi )

See also this thread:

- Toward the Unknown Magic (1)
- Around Magic Unknown (2)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (3)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (4)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (5)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (6)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (7)
- Magic Unknown
- Earth Dragon, magical experience
- What school of magic is this?
- Spiritual Materialism and Chaos
- Cultivate your passions
- Contact Spirit
- The Icon & the Oblation
- Fearless
- Talks on Magic

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Creamy Cervical Mucus And Bfp


The Walk taruka will be held Saturday, February 27, 2010, from 10h to 17h on the site Aleyrac in Drôme Provençale, two hours drive from Lyon and from 1:15 Avignon. Another date is also scheduled for Saturday, March 13, 2010, under the same conditions.

¿Imaninantataq taruka puriy? What, then, that the March taruka? is a Power Walk under the sign of deer, taruka in Quechua.

Appointment is made to the ruins of the priory's novel Notre-Dame la Brune, where a famous "Miraculous spring. On foot, we will go to the land of the Dragon where the Juncher , the sacred fire. We celebrate a little ritual of dedication in the traditional places, before continuing our journey to the Dragon's Mouth, a small adventure easy access, located in the heart of the forest an hour's walk. Each extract of the underworld a seed that will bring to the surface, and specifically what kind of seed that always gives the impression of being ready to germinate, but the bloom is long overdue. During the day, according to participants, Jean-Luc Colnot (whose adopted name Don is among Kallawaya Juanito Quispe) will present some of the wonders of the treasure of the Dragon, the Magic Unknown, and the Andean tradition.

Silent, March of taruka includes practical exercises and ingenious and simple to discover the three punkus , the three gates of the body: abdomen, stomach, heart and neck header. The Power Walk is a route to the Sumac Kawsay , Vital Living, the most perfect possible interaction with the environment.

The first door ( Punku ) is that part of below the navel and down to the feet. It corresponds the underworld ( uku pacha ), the instincts, which has not yet sprouted, in potential, the kingdom of the dead and what is yet unborn. It develops the virtues associated with Munay , love. It may also reflect Munay by will. However, it does not want a brain, forced and strained. This is something that is of the order of natural instinct. The willingness of the flower is open Munay , the readiness of the vine to bear fruit is Munay . The willingness of the sun is shining Munay . Munay is the perfect match to be a role in the world. Munay this is why it is really done. Do we sometimes get the feeling of not being in his place, where it is? We then find tremendous resources in the work of rooting that offers the first door body Munay Punku . This door is echoed in the reptilian brain and the animal to which it corresponds is the snake.

The second door ( Punku ) in the area of the stomach and heart, two organs that never rest. It is the world of here and now, kay pacha . One of its focus areas is the feeling, intermediary between the feeling (from below the world) and knowledge (world from above). This second door is also a point of convergence between the two worlds extreme internal and external, down and up. She blossoms virtues related to Ruway the do, the act . This is significant under a certain job, steady work certainly, but also balancing act, since it dares to play on the creative value of the imbalances that put all things in motion. Ruway equivalent to perform and achieve. We call this second door, "the door to" Ruway Punku. It is reflected as an echo in the limbic system, and the animal to which it corresponds is the cat, especially the puma.

Covering space clavicles to the top of the head, the third door ( Punku ) is the world from above, the Hanan Pacha, whose domain is the abstractions , wisdom and understanding. It develops the virtues associated with Yachay , which means knowledge. Here flourished the skill of thinking as well as the non-thinking. It unfolds as an art, precise and panoramic vision, the decision and the attitude fair, intelligent speech that goes in the direction of the vast and mighty Kawsay Allin, the "beautiful life" differently named Sumaq Kawsay, Vital Living . Full that dignity of being in the world, the third door, which is the "gate of knowledge", Yachay Punku has a match in the neo-cortex. His animal is a bird, especially the Condor.

The timber taruka now beginning to grow, to soar, while it is guided by the three virtues Munay , Ruway and Yachay ( love, action and knowledge). Its wood is no longer just a symbol or mere horns, but a tool of operational linkage to the world, diving in telepathic space open and free life. And more deer walk its not elegant, sniffing the fresh air of the mountains and the fragrance of humus, tapering to any sensory vibrant, more woods develop. They become sensitive and intuitive antennas, both transmitting and receiving of illa , big cosmic force that emanated from the clarity hanan pacha. The magnificent radiation is illa felt like a blessing.

Reservations are required. Provide a meal from the bag, walking shoes and clothes of the season. Contribution of 15 euros for the rehabilitation of the place (Earth Dragon). For additional practical information you can contact us by email to:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ab Fpb Card Status Of Credit Card

Cosmovision & ANDEAN TRADITION (1)

Two difficulties before us, at present in outline the Andean cosmic vision spiritualizing a public rather than academic. First, New Age imagination , which somewhat distorted information available on this particular issue. Then history of Andean culture , which is currently too little known that Egypt could be in the eighteenth century. These two factors call number of people, more or less influenced by the wonderful, extrapolate and develop hypotheses about the most fantastic part of the world.

From the end of the nineteenth century, Madame Blavatsky imagined, not without reason, perhaps, two poles extant sexual and spiritual planets of major importance: the Himalayas and the Andes. Tunnels through the center of the earth connecting these mythical lands, we are told, and this explains the striking similarity between the Himalayan and Andean peoples, like the strange beauty of their parentage shamanistic cultures. Madame Blavatsky was also announced for the 50s of last century a gradual reversal, imperceptible and continuous sexual terrestrial poles. The Andes, women were to become male, while going to feminize the Himalayas. The theme of the reversal of Earth's poles has been presented to the user's recent turmoil created around the end date of Mayan calendar cycle And we will see later that this inversion, in a sense, is perhaps not entirely foreign-made to future events and expectations of the indigenous world.

addition Madame Blavatsky, the number of candidates to the mysteries of the Andes made known from the 60s of last century: Waisbard Simone, Peter Kolosimo , Erich von Daniken , Robert Charroux, James Churchward each stand their fantastic portrait of the second roof of the world and are in turn an alien colony, an outbreak of pre-human culture, a legacy of the lost continent of Mu. More recently appear " Prophecies Andean " initiations supreme Drunvalo Melchizedek while tireless adventurers are coming into our Western capitals to teach traditional knowledge in fashion. We thus find courses on science Incas of vital energy, where just a few techniques from other martial arts, renowned Quechua words filled with typos and cons-sense, to convince us that indeed c 'is of Andean tradition it is. Of course, a reiki Andean also made its appearance. The lack of reliable information on the Andean mystical makes us particularly credulous about it, but can we talk about the scam when a victim is willing and does not want the truth?

Today, places like Machu Picchu are invaded by practitioners of New Age or the occult, which bring their own baggage Western guides. They come here to seek the feminine energies of the ground forces Pachamama. New California, the Sacred Valley near Cusco is full of these large-luxury hotels where organized shamanic initiations, transmissions and messages of the Andean Great White Brotherhood. Of course, there would be not much to explain to these people as Machu Picchu archaeological site wonderful if any, was not a major ceremonial center in the eyes of the Inca culture itself, any more than it was a "chakra global ", which emanated from a particular place the female energy of nature. It is also worth noting that the Inca culture was characterized by its tendency to worship rather than astrolatry telluric and anthropologists today distinguish pre-Inca cultures have strongly resisted the Empire, by the place of worship in their own homes to the Pachamama, under the sun worship. Anyway, the whirlwind of energy women on the planet is much more palpable and Tiwanaku near Lake Sacred at Machu Picchu. To put some order in his ideas, adding that if the evocation of the Andes is now thinking about the Incas, they are far from having the importance that they be given within the Andean culture in his together. Although with the famous book "Tiahuanaco, 10 000 years enigmas incas" (sic), he will have to be recognized one day that this civilization, great showcase Peruvian tourism, represents the end of 400 years of Andean history. In Bolivia, the Incas could not establish their authority over the people co that for 60 years. They succeeded in pre-Inca cultures comparable in splendor and sometimes earlier than those of Egypt or Greece cultures that, contrary to the Sons of the Sun, had some longevity over 40 centuries. Therefore, limiting the Andean wisdom the sole domain of the Inca Empire Inca and qualify for anything resembling the near and far to the Andean shamanism is a bit simplistic to succumb to the trap that offers new vision age. If the Incas are gone, the Aymara the uros the Kallawaya - which for them were priests, healers and, in the language of Capac Simi, the Kallahuayos or "holders of power" of the Incas - are still there. And they, the representatives of the Andean ancient culture, the living tradition that inherits many indigenous wisdom and, perhaps less than we think, of the Inca culture itself. So they were there before the Incas, and they are still there after. Moreover, it would be wrong to limit their field of excellence in one area of the noble savage as the Andes were the scene of the first shamanisms city in the world and their traditions involve mathematical knowledge, symbolic, psychological, political, magical, astronomical and metaphysical architectural, which the West is still far to assess the scope for its value. Still, the pre-Incan history of the Andes is still writing and constitutes the major challenge for archaeologists and historians of this century.

It will be understood, the approximations and misinformation are not the direction I have chosen to present what I know about the Andean world. While many discoveries (currently, archaeologists Andean each year are major discoveries) raised questions about how we conceive the world history. Pictograms featuring dinosaurs and men so that they are supposed never to have been contemporaries, or, most recently near Tiwanaku, the discovery in 2008 of a footprint that would be the oldest human trace in the world and dates from 5 million years, that's enough to cast doubt on our modern conceptions of human history. But I've not the power to endorse or not the character of these scientific discoveries and conclusions drawn or intended to entertain and only amaze my player, or solve riddles posed by the mecca what magical realism of South America.

Therefore my work will begin with a modest commentary and analysis of the overall organization of the cosmos, according to the symbols of the altar Qorikancha as they were drawn and described in 1613 by Joan Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua in his columns titled Relación deste Reyno del Antigüedades of Piru . It seems to me to understand or try to apprehend the Andean world view is more urgent and useful to issue occultisantes wildest hypotheses concerning the historical origins of this remarkable wisdom, which Morales says she can save the world from itself. This sense of priorities to be followed will feel, perhaps with more force, the great indigenous movement that animates currently the Andes and how this movement if the U.S. do not get involved , can be an excellent news.

Regarding the history of the Andean world, as far as what can be traced by hearing the word of elders, is that there is a time when men, with great powers, the Titans were able to carve mountains and shape large lakes. The sun did not exist. Only the light of the moon, much higher than at present, illuminating our world. When the sun rose for the first time, men originally chose to live underground and never came back. Because dissatisfied with the attitude of men facing the newcomer celestial Viracocha cast a veil of dust on the moon, darkening forever. It was the time when the sacred lake was much larger than today and where its banks were able to the holy city of Tiwanaku. Geologists also confirm that Lake Titicaca experienced better times than the present and many evidence suggests that the eternal city of Tiwanaku as a port.

Symbols of altarpiece Qorikancha say nothing of this mysterious story, but talk directly to the indigenous vision of the world, as we may still recognize today among the Aymara, Quechua, Uros, Q eros, Kallawaya, etc.. This vision has the advantage of being radically different from the West and to bring out when challenged both the hegemonic nature. Under the Western monoculturalité that the natives often refer to non-cultivation, the Andean world view appears like any other and completely irreducible. She is an exceptional otherness decisive, able to change the look on his own Western culture and its action in the world. Incidentally, it helps explain why, unlike a Rene Guenon went looking for a unit of traditional forms, Austin Osman Spare found more appropriate to question the differences rather than similarities between the traditions them. In the case of the Andean world view, not only these differences are major, but they also underscore how the ideas and representations are understood as universal in reality limited to a point localized view. It is therefore not to invite each other to change the paradigm, but to bring, through intercultural dialogue, to question some metaphysical principles considered absolute, as the logic of non-contradiction, the principle the excluded middle, identity, substance, essence (no verb be in Quechua and Aymara), diastase Platonic between subject and object, mind and matter, body and soul, God and world, axioms all, are not mere intellectual abstraction, but induce, like any investment metaphysical conscious or subconscious, attitudes sometimes catastrophic consequences for civilization. The A, universalism and individualism - that even the most subversive of our spiritualist or our individualist anarchists can present ourselves as fundamental initiatory originals, while the modern West as a whole is already over and die - are prominent features and are unaware of the West-centrism, even in the alternative that is still trying to propose. While the social fabric is falling apart, there are still complaining that Western Europe has lived the last thirty years under the yoke of excessive collectivism and individualism is not enough. However, there are chandeliers that no longer talking about people - a membrane carrier dream true vibrant as one man - and that we speak only mass mobilization do more for the world cup football. To scholars of the Andean world view, all these non-values, which could add the linear conception of time, the notion of progress and vision of the cosmos odd inducing exclusive logic and a refusal of otherness, are poles apart the wisdom of their ancestors and explain the ills of the First World and it imposes the Third World. Generated by the Semitic thought as well as Greek philosophy, covering their influence currents as diverse as Aristotle, neo-Platonism, modernism or postmodernism, Capitalism, Marxism (" we are not communists, we are community " Evo Morales repeated often), these knots are conceptual forcefully denounced as factors of destruction and oppression by the leaders Andean indigenous movement. Short, cold and dispassionate mind that conceals the conquistador's global village under his gleaming armor humanist, is currently the subject of careful dissection and uncompromising throughout the Andean world, both through social movements as universities and indigenous wisdom.

But back to the symbolic representation of the world Yamqui of Pachacuti. One could blame him three for the object pursued. On the one hand, as aptly observed Duviols Pierre, who was one of my professors at the university, this altar is influenced by Catholic ideas, such as the creation, the one god, the Lack of representation of the underworld. On the other hand it is a reproduction of a document later burned the author himself has never seen his eyes, following an oral tradition transcribed compromised. And finally, this worldview is particularly Inca and is therefore not totally emblematic of all the Andes. Notwithstanding these three points, drawing cosmogonic proposed Yamqui Pachacuti is of great interest, since even Christianized, the author fails to divest the Andean mentality in its essential features. This is the reason we so often use this drawing Andean cosmogony in universities as a first approach to the indigenous worldview, since even the principles of chakana are exposed to this. The first illustration given in this post is a reproduction of the drawing of Pachacuti Yamqui as it appears in the manuscript No. 3169 of the National Library in Madrid. Peter and Caesar Duviols Itier we provide the transcript in the second illustration. The commentary in English Yamqui Pachacuti is punctuated by Quechua and Aymara terms requires some clarification, so that the third illustration provides a simplified French transcript of the same design. Those of my readers who are lucky enough to know the language of Cervantes can refer to the website on Qorikancha . In the bottom left of the page, the tab labeled elementos del retablo, can view a brief explanation of each of the elements of the design.

This text is already very long so I'll just, for this first post on the subject, say a few words about the four star-shaped cross, which appear at the top of the drawing of Pachacuti Yamqui. But first, note the obvious. In the spirit of the designer, the cosmos is a home and has the form. All beings live under the same roof, in a report interconnection, even god or gods. And out of the house, there is nothing.

The cross atop the house evokes invariably either Christian crosses that are observed on the roofs of native houses built of mud brick in Peru. But when I write it comes to Christian symbols, we must not forget that On many occasions, these symbols are actually the way that indigenous thought is clothed to escape the gaze of the Inquisitor. Thus we find, on top of some mountain passes (the apachetas ) green crosses, symbols of life, which in reality are Christianization of the constellation of the Southern Cross. The Southern Cross is at the origin of the other major symbol of the Andean world what chakana. We also observe the presence, in the heart of the house cosmic Yamqui Pachacuti.

We are, we think, today reached a geographical representation of the world about objective and having no hidden ideological or hegemonic tendency. If I asked his advice to the reader on the map below, it probably should be that it is a representation without a priori, since it is the same card that is used in all countries world. It seems that today the very particular kind of "science" that is subjective geography has been abandoned in favor of neutrality which some describe as objective and scientific. It is at least what we think.

However, the ideology that represents the hegemony of Western culture and models political and economic correspondents not only to do with the extent of the globalizing power of the airway, or computer media, but also with the world order as represented by the philosophical ideas, even, scientists . According to conventional globes and reproduced until today in a north-south, the northern hemisphere occupies more than half the globe, with the result that the south appears to be a mere appendage to the north. On world maps and conventional standard, the equator is located midway between north and south, but more or less two thirds of the distance between the upper and the lower card, so that the southern hemisphere looks much smaller than the northern hemisphere. Furthermore, the projection of the globe on a traditional plan expands so exaggerated that the parties are at the extreme north, as the Russian Federation, Greenland, Canada and the United States. On the Mercator projection Classic (1569), Greenland is twice as big as China when it is normally four times larger. Similarly, Scandinavia seems twice as large as India, and Europe is larger than South America. It was not until 1973 that Arno Peters presented a map projection taking into account the actual dimensions. Results be provided to a single card, universal, scientific and completely non-ideological? Not at all. This kind of conclusion is the exact mode of universal belief that communicates his sense of Western superiority, its propensity to hegemony. And the full capacity of the Andean cosmic vision to confront and reverse this type of solidification appears occasionally, as this is how the world sees our planet Andean:
geopolitical implications of this perspective may not escape specialists these issues. "Our north is South "means do we repeat often in the Andes. And it is often the first words uttered by the maestro when asked what it means to the Southern Cross for the native mind" Here in south, that's how we look at the globe. In the night, when we look at the stars, we do not look to the north, but towards the south, which is our north and our guide. For us, seen from the south, north is at the bottom of our planet. For us, the Abya Yala (America) points to our north and maps observed from the north are upside down. It's a matter of natural law. We look to the south when we raise his eyes to heaven because there is the Chakana (Southern Cross), not north, because from here we do not look at the North Star that is in the North. The continents have fine points and light rising into the sky and broad bases and heavy plunging downward. It's simple and natural vision of our sages. Our north is the south by the effect of the natural law of gravity, scientifically verifiable. And we want to stop being upside down. "

This is the pole reversal that ends the universalist ambitions of our local designs. And this is one of the possible lessons from the Southern Cross, located at the top of Block cosmogonic Yamqui Pachacuti. (More)

The Machu Picchu

and Machula