Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flinn Ultimate Elements Crossword Puzzle


... feel at the center of the storm. Events occur. When situations take a turn unpleasant, it is because a spiritual practice, in a form of detachment fictitious. In fact, one should not judge posting this as something fundamentally wrong, but just having the ability to recognize its artifice. Be honest with such detachment, and despite its apparent absoluteness , it also recognized its transient and illusory, but also a means of creating space. For indeed, we could almost conclude that it is spared the unpleasant and chaotic reality of everyday life. A form of cell quarantine between the meditative state and madness of everyday life. It reinforces this means the belief in a strong vacuum. We have access to an interior space very open. And it becomes extremely powerful. We recognize our own nature as devoid of reactivity. Anything can happen without disrupting our fundamental being finally detached from what happens. There is, however, a subtlety that eludes us. We would also be posted as the Buddha. Even the lack of posting becomes a weapon to cause the desired peace. I know I can not get out by creating a silence, invent peace. So I let them come, I leave act. However, in this delicate moment, the feeling of being in an uncomfortable situation face such a spiritual demand, we just become stupid. It looks a bit too much, while giving the impression not to watch and be spontaneous. It is therefore more in tune with what is actually happening. We believe it is not expected that in reality we expect, and it does not do what we do in reality. This type of spiritual repression, leaving little room situations for themselves. You spend your time to grab the present moment, while forgetting to live simply. If we are well aware of the process, we can recognize then the deeper roots of the agitation. That's the difference between the meditator to reach a state, and he who meditates because that 'he muses, of course. Something that we can not know eludes us, disturbs us, and has long been on our way of maintaining ... What to do? What is this intimate space in which we think we can hide, hide, protect life and its waves? We may call samadhi undue , not-self, self, or area duty free ... Is it only the ultimate space, devoid of qualities, we speak the wise? Y is it really?

We must realize that 'there is nothing to do with all this, nor that it are States omega to achieve. We're nowhere . Wherever we believe. It's hopeless. Remain open to this non-locality makes us extremely wary. We can thus develop a sense of energy. What is spent to keep our stories, which is released to release the game of ego. The level and magic begins. With a keen sense of the forces and strategies. The work of this detachment is made on several levels, according to our capabilities and our progress. Authentic detachment can occur only by the depletion of expectations, but also non- false expectations . The beginner is handled himself too well to qualify for any approach to detachment. He has too many spiritual expectations. Its inner complexity creates obstacles too great to allow the simplicity of such an act to happen as it should, in a fluid and lit.

To swim in the flood of a life without superimpositions, there is nothing to accept, nor that 'to reject. For all this remains a way of keeping in a fictitious strength, the apparent continuity of our lives. Detached or not, that is that this may well change our case?

Rather than these styles of strategies, they are really human qualities very simple act in this area: humility and patience. Be patient, allow time to act. Being in the eye of the cyclone, as it is, makes us alive. We face the challenge. We can even adopt a form of adversarial attitude towards life. Again, we develop a belief system, we cling to a new image, this time fluid, explosive, vivacious. We will build the idol of chaos. Assumed a new master or master not devoid of qualities. It is even possible that we were going to worship chaos. This is a new form of ignorance, because in our apparent knowledge of the impermanence , we forget the qualities eminently stable and truly transcendent of true detachment. Whoever does not exist in itself, but perpetually renews itself as a living organ, not as a safety valve. Life itself and its unpredictability comes to be overtaken by life. The detachment may be so strong energy forms, he may even that it gives the appearance of an absolute dedication. Welcome life, to live, to make himself available what comes in the chaotic flow of energy, does not remain stable in the agitation and accept it as inevitable. Rather abandon the idea that one can grasp anything, let the work accomplished in the pit of what we do, rather than what is given to the appearance. And the work accomplished in the shadows behind the act and inaction behind the thinking and strategies. It emerges from this detachment.

Being at the center of the storm is in our nature. All our mental strategies to escape would only turn around, be the storm itself. Trying not to create a place that would a gilded cage in which our soul perceives free. There is freedom for He who has never known cages.
(Text written by Morgan February 12, at Kashi )

See also this thread:

- Toward the Unknown Magic (1)
- Around Magic Unknown (2)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (3)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (4)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (5)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (6)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (7)
- Magic Unknown
- Earth Dragon, magical experience
- What school of magic is this?
- Spiritual Materialism and Chaos
- Cultivate your passions
- Contact Spirit
- The Icon & the Oblation
- Fearless
- Talks on Magic


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