Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baseball Center Pieces For Tables


Conference Peoples' Global Climate Change and Human Mother Earth
of 19 to 22 April 2010 in Cochabamba, Bolivia

We remember the hype around the Copenhagen summit in 2009 and the failure that followed: three pages of wishful thinking, imposed on all delegations by a small group of arrogant rulers. Following this debacle of green capitalism, the president of Bolivia announced that a meeting would be of peoples in Cochabamba in 2010. Thus, loaded as usual symbolism of traditional indigenous opening ceremony This global conference, which brings together 20,000 participants from 130 countries, took place yesterday in the biggest French indifference of our media. They prefer to hold forth at length on the smoke screens, they were volcanic ash, rather than talk about the initiatives of this part of the world, perhaps too revolutionary for their taste. Is that the power to harm the West in regard to any alternative is boundless, and it's already a victory against the peoples that this wall of silence surrounding the event. Hours of television devoted to fruitless discussions of Copenhagen, but not Cochabamba image in newspapers of the great propaganda television. It's just better on the Internet where, to date, Google have particular difficulty speaking to exceed the 6000 score on this important event.

Meanwhile, within the 17 focus groups conducted by the World Conference, and despite the context of haughty indifference of Western media, many proposals are emerging. Far from moving towards the only slapstick of "carbon market", the conference in Cochabamba raises structural issues and denounces the danger solutions previously proposed by the vision terribly reductive that industrialized countries are ecology. In contrast to the Copenhagen Summit, the gathering grows and the overall approach does not eliminate the fundamentals of bio-diversity, water, food and all vital resources.

recall the words of the initiator of this global conference simple and logical and sensible " Since we have profound differences between presidents, consult the people and do what it tells us ." In Copenhagen and in a climate of skepticism, Evo Morales announced the words of the upcoming meeting alternative. So promise kept, without using the theme that carries the soul like a hypocrite marketing ploy, or a simple adjustment variable electioneering. It is the people power of the people, remained silent until now, the president of Bolivia wants to challenge, through a future referendum Global answering questions crazy and unique designs that disrupt our usual world

- Are you of agreement to restore harmony with nature by recognizing the rights of Mother Earth?

- Are you willing to change this pattern of overconsumption and waste that comes of Capitalism?

- Do you agree the fact that developed countries must reduce their emissions and reabsorb greenhouse gas emissions at home, so the temperature does not rise more than 1 degree?

- Are you willing to transfer the money spent in wars to a budget for climate change and would be higher than the defense?

- Are you in favor of the creation of an International Tribunal for the Defence Climate within the United Nations to try those who do not respect Mother Earth?

Nothing less, therefore, a global recognition of the rights of Mother Nature, submitted as a subject, a full-fledged partner. Reporting the remarks of Evo Morales, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Bolivia, Mr David Choquehuanca also renowned specialist in Andean cosmic vision, ensures that it has become more important to talk about rights of Mother Earth as human rights. In the design of the Andean Living Well or Sumaq Kawsay , these are the rights that supersede those cosmic rights. "The most important not humans (as posed by socialism) or money (as postulated capitalism), but life. The goal is to seek a simpler life. The path of harmony with nature and life ... "Here we are at odds with the anthropocentric conceptions of ecology.

Clicking the official logo of the conference, the head of this article, you can access the official website at your disposal, actively participate discussion by signing up and ensure that your sites and blogs are becoming partners in the conference.


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