Sunday, September 26, 2010

Radio Shack Return Without Reciept

El hombre es tierra that Piensa ( Amauta Fausto Reinaga )

Man is earth that thinks. It is not separated from the earth. There is not at home, separation between nature and culture. The West thinks res cogitans , opposite a nature is that cogitata res. Therefore it objectifies nature, it serves as an object, can not comply. He lives in the division. For native who lives under the gaze of the sacred mountains , capacity to see the vision, is a singular ability, an attribute of life. The eye is represented on the monuments, ceramics, textiles, jewelry to ritual. Thus, the Tello Obelisk for the period Chavin and 4,000 years old, was carved eyes to the sun, plants, snails. This teaches that everything that exists shares the attribute of vision, all that is seen and thought of the man who thinks the earth.

The " eyes of all things" are represented on the drawing cosmogonic Joan Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua . Ymaymana ñawraykunap nawin, Pachacuti Yamqui what means: "the eyes of all kinds of things," one of the most mysterious of his cosmological scheme.


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