Monday, January 31, 2011

Swimming Vaseline Malaysia Where To Buy

Dominique Durand (Ivy Group) and Francoise Hardy and Sandie Shaw in the early 60s: the same battle!

underground pop group The Ivy , consisting of singer Dominique Durand (born in Paris but exiled in the U.S.) and the two songwriters flamboyant New York Andy Chase Adam Schlesinger and we offer with this fabulous Long distance out to Fall 2001 a disk elegance and magnificence scarce.

16-year career, 6 albums (this one being their fourth), 60 songs, these are figures which indicate that these aesthetes took their time to compose and favored quality over quantity . Their lyrics are generally in English, except a cover of Serge Gainsbourg ( The anamour in the disk Guestroom ), but the French accent of Dominique Durand remains an asset for the group especially with American listeners, especially those who fantasize about Paris in the postwar symbolized by Juliette Greco Café Flora. Although fans worldwide, they are strangely not the darlings of the French press, which after all is quite another sign of quality ... All Songs Long distance are exciting, but the beautiful and disturbing Edge of the Ocean remains the highlight of the disc, while remaining without doubt one of the ten best songs of the history of pop music. Just for her, the possession of this CD is indispensable ... Personally, Edge of the Ocean brings softness, freshness invigorating and unfathomable beauty that I always wanted to pop music and rock, in a quest for the grail demanding sometimes daunting or frustrating to find the perfect song . I'll let you discover this little gem in the document below (the technical quality of the video is not optimal, it is not high definition or for the image nor the sound, but it's better that nothing remains magical and the song):

is particularly by this small masterpiece filled with the charm of gentle melancholy that I often parallel between Dominique Durand and two world-famous pop singer who lit up my life as a child (then a young teenager ) amazed when I listened religiously on their 45 rpm record player portable my parents in the late 60s. The voice and the charisma of the diaphanous Dominique Durand seems indeed to be the result of a mix between those of shamanic Sandie Shaw (English singer barefoot) and those the Hardy Dream 1962. Evidence below into sounds and images via the two videos on time All boys and girls for Hardy and Had a dream last night (1967) for Shaw ("I dreamed of him " e n French):

link between the three singers seems particularly evident here. It feels the same inspiration and lonely dreamer, a postmodern disenchantment, a certain nobility of feeling. A romantic inspiration gasoline existentialist # . The two singers of the sixties have become icons in spite of themselves for future generations, particularly those of the 80 and 90, claimed by new-wave rock bands and modern pop such as Smiths of Johnny Marr and Morrissey or our Etienne Daho hex. They are the precious witness of a bygone era with fascinating substance benefactress fortunately remains at the heart of unforgettable musical, literary, and film.

# Existentialism is a philosophical and literary, which postulates that human beings form the essence of his life by his own shares, as opposed to the thesis that these it is predetermined by any theological doctrines, philosophical or moral. Existentialism therefore considers each person as a unique being who is master not only of his actions and his destiny, but also - for better or for worse - the values it chooses to adopt. (...)

Existentialism seems to result in a very pessimistic vision of human relations. Indeed, Sartre believes that man is forced to live with others to know and there it also believes that life with each other deprived of their liberties. The desperate man by his own banality has built its own power nihilate illusions to believe others to be above them and thus escape from society. This vision of the relationship to the other as a permanent source of conflict is specific to the philosophers of the twentieth century: Thus Malraux think men are trying to give meaning to their existence by being "more than a man in a man's world "(André Malraux, La Condition humaine). For Sartre, who was much influenced by Hegel, is the gaze that reveals the existence of others. The look is not confined to the eyes because the eye behind it Something that judge. At first, I'm watching others, so it strikes me as an object. In a second step, is another who looks at me so that I appear to others as object. (...)

It is possible to envisage an ideal situation where the conflict between the freedoms of everyone defuse. This could be love. Indeed, this feeling can not fear the gaze of others. I want to be the subject of another as he loves me and I want more, loving me, the other makes me a sublime object, and thanks to him and I escape to my freedom and my responsibilities. I want him to be my subject. Or the other also wants that I love, I make it my object. When I accept my prerogative to lose by becoming a subject object, the other does the same, agree that I am about it. Thus the lovers are two subjects each accepting their objectification, a life without conflict is possible. But this is only an illusion, because as the two lovers want to be the object of the other, they experience the other as the subject they are objects and not the reverse. In other words, a couple can solo over falsehood, build a more or less stable equilibrium. But with a third person, the illusion dissipates necessarily as illustrated by the trio of Lock-up: love is impossible for three. Thus, real love can oscillate between two extremes: masochism (where one is applicable) or sadism (where one is subject). The desire to "normal" is always sadomasochistic. For Sartre, the indifference is also an illusion. Indeed, this sentiment would have us believe in our superiority over the other. But in reality, the indifference of others and not release it because the mere thought of the presence of another object. (...)

Sexual desire is the only way to live in perfect communion with each other. But this is another manifestation of bad faith and a tool of narcissism, gold, it is also doomed to failure. Desire is the fall in complicity with the body, is the unveiling of its existence. Is enveloped by the body, you stop the leak. It invades the consciousness that slides into a state very similar to sleep. Passive now, he submerges, invades, makes it opaque to itself and thus compromises the individual (see text for Alain, the physics beyond the consciousness). Indeed it flatters to be desired, attract sexually, but one is the very desire of the other immediately reduced the status of a person's state of body and then to defend it is an essence of respect due the partner, who, in bad faith is necessarily friendly to us as the table is necessarily of his feet. Desire is desire for the other, desire to become his subject, man or woman-object, then automatically calls the desire for each other even if the latter is absent. We want the other as subject but we have only his body, his consciousness is elusive, and so it is certainly possible to capture the eyes of the body but not the next partner. We can then choose to submerge us in the flesh, to want the body of the other but then the body of the other is not an Other, is a body, which alone is more there for nothing. Thus unlike hunger or thirst that needs are disappearing at the same time they are made, the sexual desire is always disappointing and human remains unsatisfied, always seeking the satisfaction of a contradictory needs, it is impossible to satisfy fully. (...) [Source Wikipedia] .


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