Monday, February 14, 2011

Evening Dresses Requests

Vertigo double

Black Sawan of Darren Aronofsky is a psychological thriller that takes place in the world dance and whose fate is a strange mixture of fascination and repulsion. As the principle of the film, the audience reaction to the Black Swan may be twofold: we can leave it totally captivated by this stylish and dizzying descent into the throes of a troubled spirit who takes the dangerous game of Identification and duplication, while hating his excesses and the implausibility of the situations where the psychological exploration turns to fantasy and horror film. It is both carried by this deep and tortuous history, myths and archetypes that convenes and plunges us into the center of the fiery and devouring passion for dance, while keeping a certain perplexity about the excesses of the script that sometimes seems to veer grotesque and whose bombast is ridiculous in some scenes.

poisonous and deadly, bright and sparkling, the film navigates between these two facets, like her character, Nina (played by Natalie Portman poignant), a ballerina with the New York City Ballet artistic director chosen by the companion (Vincent Cassel, ambiguous, manipulative, predatory), to embody both Odette, the swan pure white and ethereal and Odile, the black swan toxic and evil in the ballet Swan Lake .

The film is overloaded with meaning, metaphors and references: he explores both the tormented psyche of Nina across the face so expressive and hallucinated Nathalie Portman, who carries the entire film with his presence at once fragile and powerful, a psychoanalytic exploration of mother-daughter relationships, with the figure of the castrating mother and daughter and possessive subject and frigid, a documentary on the world of dance, with its deadly rivalry, his obsession with the body that becomes the center of the film, both with multiple stigmata martyr body (Nina at the beginning of the film, discovered traces of scratches on his back and throughout Film will continue to collect dimensions of his monstrous body) and body throbbing in his sublime to the conquest of pure movement.

The film is the story of the double metamorphosis Nina: that of a young woman voluntarily maintained by his mother in an eternal adolescent, who gradually discovers a troubled sensuality and morbid, and that of the transfiguration of a ballerina who must go beyond the technical mastery of dance to reach their peak, releasing the clamps on his mind delirious and hallucinatory his own folly. The two transformations go hand in hand. The girl chaste and delicate, sensitive and asexually early in the film, surrounded by stuffed animals and boxes music, living in an enchanted and completely anachronistic must break the spell of a possessive mother who locked in the frozen image of a little girl, to play the black swan, it must get out of shackles, which 'they are those of the mother or of the profession, she must cross boundaries and reach out to share the darkest, most hallucinatory, even getting lost in the maze of these mirror games with itself. ;

The film is somehow a metaphor for art, that feeds on the blood of its artists and sometimes ends by devouring them, like the sacrificial dimension was the gateway to transcendence. The film seems to say that art is true, it must tap into madness, in the miasma of the mind and morbid impulses throbbing flesh, he must strive to destroy all the boundaries, taking the risk of sinking into madness. The film is a reading of art rather extreme, refuting the side of mild satisfaction and consensus to stay in this confrontation between the mortal mind and reality. Nina has to go through the experience to embody the evil vampire, she is never as sublime in the scene of Black Swan, finally revealed to herself after believing kill his twin, Lily, while she herself was what she had stabbed her.

Like his character, the filmmaker seems to be swamped by these dark impulses to give his film the look psychotic who sometimes turn to ridicule. The excesses are in fact the counterpart of vertigo, as if he were also to pay the ransom and sacrifice rationality corseted well written scenarios to immolate Fire burning passion.


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