Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample Of A Welcome For A New Faith Letter

rock 'n' roll to celebrate the Japanese ideal Eve New Year!

Etsuko Nakanishi , new Shonen Knife drummer (2008)

output disc in 1992 (already 18 years!)
The garage rock and second levels of Japanese moved a tad. So puzzle.

therefore ideal to start this festive evening, the last 2010!
Here with this album Let's Knife typical example which shows the environment that some ideas are sometimes good to drown in the bath explicit revelations like this careless statement ensuring that the garage rock could only American and only played by pimply adolescent macho men dressed in black leather. The Japanese Naoko Yamano (vocals, guitar), accompanied by her sister ; Atsuko Yamano (Vocals, drums) and the beautiful Michie Nakatani (vocals, bass) have fully met the challenge of the gods of rock with this troublemaker and exciting disc consists of seventeen songs melodious fuel all the super / unleaded . Biographical little reminder: the group was founded in 1981 and still exists today despite some personnel changes. The killeuse and mastermind of the group Naoko, love punk rock and Ramones, decided to write his lyrics in English and not wacky in its beautiful language Japanese native debatable option but eventually winning as the trio acquired over time a real audience in England, and particularly the USA where our Amazons eventually emigrate while becoming in the late 80's almost Official mascots of a group so as to know a meteoric global success: Nirvana ( When I finally got to see them live, I felt like transformed into a hysterical young girl nine years at a Beatles concert - Kurt Cobain).

latest album (2008)
But back to Let's Knife . The album begins in a rather funny with two rhymes and catchy rock not devoid of timeliness, Riding On The Rocket lasting 3mn45 Bear up bison and of 2mn15, then comes the hilarious Tube Twist Barbie 4 min. The ballad Chris Isaakèsque Tortoise brand pot cleaner's scrubbing theme (sea turtle) just a little to calm the 1mn40, then Antonio baka guy upset 2mn puts things on the boil. Here we are then in the presence of beautiful Ah, Singapore which allows the three bubblegirls to renew for 2 min with their Asian roots in a way that air, poetic, rebellious and then come the pop gems Flying Jelly Attack of 2mn40, Black bass of 4mn40, Cycling is fun to 4mn30, Watchin'girl 2mn and I am a cat of 4mn45.

excellent first album in concert (2006)
The Tortoise brand pot gagèsque scrubbing cleaner's theme (Green Tortoise) 1mn20 of us suddenly remembered that a long song also has the right to exist in a rock record. And after the banal Devil house 3mm arrives very inspired and psychedelic Insect collector lasting 2mn46, one of the most original songs on the CD. It ends with the very surfin'sound Burning of farm 5mn16, Get the wow of 2mn20 and instrumental Milky Way of 3mn50. So, in summary, it fun (yes, this grotesque expression is still used today) is dazzling, it's not complicated is hype is smiling is in is groove is energy, it makes you forget taxes, it moves . Hey, I have a sudden craving for a strawberry ice-lemon-mint me. Tart.

Me ... it's still a bad start, Because ...
... I caught a fucking cold ... Ha damn, wish.

The song Twist Barbie followed Explosion, which is my preference (it looks pure Hüsker Dü )

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Do Men Grow Their Thumb Nail Long


Dear Pierre Bernard,

We just tell me you're gone forever. With your death, it's a little piece of me leaving. Twenty years ago or so, you have interpreted the dead Seasons Hotel on France Culture, the first play I wrote.

confess that your eyes close of a metallic blue impressed me very much, even frightened me a bit. Yet, the words escaping your lips drawn two lines were meant kindly. Upon first reading, you happened to leave the text to throw me mischievously: "This story is ambiguous, my boy!".

Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu

you play the villain, without which no plot is possible. To thrill the listener, we agreed to soften up your voice. The result was amazing. Your stamp placed on the breath crackled with the cruelty of sand in the hollow of the tooth!

Subscriber the wicked
Passion Béatrice Bertrand Tavernier (1987)

Then, according the lyrics of the song Jules and Jim, the whirlwind of life has taken us by force. Every time I crossed your image on the big and small screens, I could not help but think how much your destiny had married one of your character in Return of Martin Guerre .

At this time of cinema, he would not have enough room for two ogres fair: you and Gerard Depardieu, the usurper of your identity in the film by Daniel Vigne. Depardieu and Donnadieu two surnames in eclipse. Gerard solar programmed to devour his "hand of God." You, more shade and dedicated to providing your "gift to God."

Baye between two ogres: Depardieu & Donnadieu
The Return of Martin Guerre by Daniel Vigne

For too few opportunities for you applauded on the boards, you never run out of recall of dead Hotel seasons, theatrical experience much more important for me than for you.

If the afterlife has the elegance of us to take charge like a hotel, I imagine you for eternity in an opulent inn. As for your off-season, I wish heady as honey. So gentle and affectionate that she can melt the bark Donnadieu proud to drain the modesty of Peter Bernard.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tophi How To Get Rid Fo

Harmony, contemplation and counting would not hurt at the end of 2010!

Coming interesting collection of World Music devoted to traditional music from various countries around the world, this beautiful disc offers us extensive repertoire of traditional Japanese Koto interpreted by the talented Etsuko Chida .

For those who do not know the Koto is a kind of zither with thirteen strings usually connected to easels, and teased by plectrums (picks so large) worn on the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right hand of the performer. The instrument, we must practice, kneeling, is sometimes compared in the Japanese literature to a dragon lying on the beach talking with the waves. The sound that comes out is very special. Gasoline poetic or mystical it encourages contemplation, meditation and contemplation. Towards the 17th century were created songs for mixing with long pieces hitherto exclusively instrumental, which were added further discrete sounds of a small three-stringed lute from a kind of evanescent melodies highlight Koto Shamisen. No Shamisen in the CD that we need here, but just the basics: the presence of discrete Koto interacting with the human voice. All is counting, all is harmony.

(Photo Jacques Nadeau)
Etsuko Chida is from Hokkaido, one of the islands constituting the Japanese archipelago. She studied the art of Koto since the age of five years from the greatest masters of the instrument. After starting his career in Japan she has turned in recent years to Europe, especially France, where she found the opportunity to settle. To my knowledge, this disc is currently the only one of his young career. But the CD devoted to traditional Japanese music, however, are very numerous, especially those offering combining parts Koto and Shamisen instrument to another must-Japanese: the Shakuhachi, a long bamboo flute right once the exclusive preserve of the samurai before democratize and become the instrument of the people. According to the ancients, it would be able to imitate all the sounds of nature. In nature there is much talk in the pieces played by Etsuko and in general all the arts of civilization built this in harmony and with reference to elements natural world and the seasons.

The disc is divided into five parts:

Usu no koe-The voice of the wooden mortar , lasting 13mn02.
kyoku Chidori-No Song plovers, lasting 11mn55.
Yashiyo jishi-Lion longevity, lasting 6mn54.
Shujo No tsuru-Cranes on pine , lasting 10mn54.
Yugao-La beautiful evening, lasting 11mn18.

Extracts verses of one of my favorite songs ( Usu no koe-The voice of the wooden mortar ):

"What are lovely, the glow of the moon by night veiled Spring, when the mist hugs as a thin fabric! The scent of plum that seems to spill into the night fades over time, is already the Spring into summer, and it's time to dress in lightweight clothing.

On this day, at this moment, on the branches of sandalwood bloom of pale purple flowers.

Autumn arrives with a fresh wind.

A light mist rises and sails, one sees only the stems Suzuki tilted by the wind. [...] Mean, coming from who knows where the sounds of Koto wild geese which give their songs all across the night sky. [...] While it is hoped the arrival of a storm that will accentuate the purple foliage, suddenly winter is here. [...]

[...] More about snow, it reminds us of something: to receive a letter from a cold heart and leaves only a superficial Print insipid, instead, a letter from a very firm line, and reveals authentic feelings, created with the one who sent a link that does not dwindle. [...] "

(Send Sanzaemon Morikawa translated from Japanese by Kazuko Ueno and Dominique Palme ).

Two recent clarification by way of warning: this disc Etsuko Chida is not necessarily the most accessible for those who want to learn the ancient Japanese music. But this is one of the deepest of my knowledge. As for the traditional Japanese song, slow and sometimes arduous, it might surprise the listener Western unaccustomed to this style very particular, and possibly involve a slight adjustment period. This is the price to pay for access to this world so precious.

Etsuko Chida at City Theatre in 2007 (interview excerpts and music )

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President of the Geographical Society of La Paz and the archaeological society of Bolivia, the father of tiwanacologie, Arthur Posnansky in 1952 published a book master Tiahuanaco Birthplace of the American man , where it supports the most original theories. I have here the third volume of this beautiful book. Devoted to ceramics of Tiwanaku, developed a rich iconography all occurrences of the wave and staircase (fig.1C) as representations of Heaven and Earth: "If we carefully studying ceramics and archaeological monuments of the continent, taking in hand this book is to say without prejudice or preconceived ideas or biases, so that the eye sees what is really, not just what he needs to adapt to a specific point of view, we can verify the existence of a substratum TIHUANACU throughout the hemisphere. This indicates a prehistoric cultural cement can be seen clearly, since the degree of latitude 30 degrees south to 35 of latitude North and Pacific Coast to the Atlantic coast (see map 1d). For the author, the sign of the wave and the staircase is a symbol of prehistoric religion continental forgotten. Tiwanaku making the cradle of mankind U.S. and adhering to a theory of the peopling of the earth by the south and north poles in the Tertiary (fig.1F), he rejects the theory generally accepted by Western anthropologists: namely that America was populated by small groups of Asian nomads passed through the Strait Behering or from the Pacific Islands on makeshift boats.

Posnansky not only extends the influence of the Tiwanaku culture in space, but it gives him a unique temporal amplitude. Since mankind has existed since the time of the dinosaurs, "he assures, what need to use migration to explain the presence of man on the American continent? According to our author, the distant Aztlan we are talking to none other than Mexico and the Tiwanaku eternal city has at least 25,000 years, and certainly much more. Astronomical temple, it has an error of 6 degrees in his equinoctial alignments, showing that the axis of the earth has moved in between and it is indeed the oldest urban and ceremonial center of the world (Which had 300,000 inhabitants at the time of expansive Tiwanaku). The entire ceremonial center is a memento of wisdom and knowledge that survived the last ice age, do not hesitate to affirm the author. The hallmark of this culture and this religion mainland - the wave and the stairs - would have extended from Patagonia to the United States, through Peru and Mexico.

Interest Posnansky theories is that they agree to the mythical indigenous history, as it can be heard in the Andes. It is this mythical story that the author seeks to prove rigorously very successfully sometimes. The old are they talking about the time when the sacred lake was larger than today? Posnansky the opportunity to point out that the continent is an example of extraordinary cultural continuity and that is why the indigenous people keep still fresh, the oral evidence of their distant past.

Standing near chullpas of Ñaquari I heard these strange stories of the past. They taught me as the secret history of Kallawaya but I've heard again in Chipayas the Urus or amautas Aymara. there was once another humanity, including men today are descended. These ancestors were giants, or titans. The sun of humanity that did not exist or was obscured by the ash from volcanoes. The moon was shining more than the Sun. Lake Titicaca was much larger and the Andean plateau below. The mountains grew more and Amazon did not exist. As we know it today and as reflected by its sedimentary layers is a recent geologic formation. Posnansky guess people who live there are the remnants of ancient urban cultures, having lived a huge disaster. We find representations of animals in tropical Tiwanaku indicating he believed the climate was very different from the one we know today.

the beginning of the third millennium, the history of Tiwanaku is now known. Posnansky theories have been refuted or ignored, but the mythical story is more vivid and haunting as ever. Worldwide Colla and Aymara living unborn inter-ethnic federalism and socialism of Tiwanaku cosmic expensive to amauta Fausto Reinaga , time is not linear but circular. This circular provides a glimpse, from the legendary past, the way the natives imagine the future.
The Andean world
time curve by the strength of his worldview. The future is behind. The past and the ancestors and to the mythical story always ends up back in this great turnaround time called Pachakuti . Thus, encounters with shamans and medicine men held each year on the American continent, under the sign of the eagle and the condor, are never a return to union prehistoric peoples, formerly illustrated by the sign of the wave and staircase. Tiwanaku was the time today to 11 km from Lake Titicaca, was a port. The happy time and mythical lake where the waves caressing the steps of the eternal city , Wiñay Marka, another name for Tiwanaku. When

arrives Pachakuti and time turns as well as the social world of men, the power of myth is again surface, the strong voice of the indigenous movement and the messianic. In real history and official signs then appear: here a pictorial representation showing a man in the company of a dinosaur, there a human footprint dating back 12 million years, a little later, at the foot of the pyramid Acapana of a human skull and femur toxodonte on the same stratigraphic level. Like so many relics from magic of another world, like the flower of Coleridge remember from the dream reality ...

Posnansky dwells little on the meaning of the pattern of the spiral and stairs. He noted that the earth-mother symbol for the stairs and that long ago, the inhabitants of the Andes mountains were carved into terraces for their agricultural needs. On the wave or curl, he simply wrote that the celestial phenomena are circular and evoke the vault or the scroll. The assembly then forms a symbol whose meaning is Heaven-Earth.

added that the stairs of the Tiwanaku ceramics usually three steps, which correspond to the three that make up the pashas Pachamama: Alaj Pasha (Quechua) or Hanan Pacha (Aymara), the world from above, Kay Pacha (Quechua) or Aca Pasha (Aymara), the world of here and Ukhu Pasha (Quechua) or Manqha Pasha (Aymara), the world's total. Of all the archaeological sites, Tiwanaku is where the tripartite world to own the Andean world view is more precisely described. It was at Tiwanaku that the traditional attribution of the bird, the cat and the snake three pashas appears with greater clarity, even more clearly that each of these worlds has a monument at Tiwanaku own: the semi-underground temple where snakes abound the world below, the temple of Kalasasaya for the world and by the pyramid for Acapana world from above. Across the site, Chacan appears in abundance, and the half-Chacan, which gives shape to the pyramid Acapana and serves as a step to the central deity of the Gate of the Sun, as serving the consort. These reasons are as many variations of quarter Chacan that represents the stairs. Of course, four of these stairs are a Chacan.

While the central deity standing kneeling on three steps, at the center of the Sun Gate, is Wiracocha , then the meaning of the wave associated with the staircase of the Mother Earth becomes clearer, since Wiracocha mean sea foam . Water grounded gives rise to the idea of Mamacota , Lake Titicaca, which is seen as divine mother. Water cosmic flux quantum surrounds the entire earth itself into a place of its origin. Wiracocha is related to water, but the snowy peaks ( Pasha Wira ) and pure water peaks are the recipients and distributors of its cosmic force. Snowy mountains express a synthesis of the cosmos: they bring together all dipping their roots to the underworld and while their flanks extend fertile land with water from the thaw, their peaks penetrate the sky to possess .

The wave and the stairs are two complementary forms of which is dynamic and one static. The water of the wave, meaning Andean evokes the cosmic flux itself. The entire event, with the sun and the moon, man and woman came out of Lake Titicaca, hotbed of that stream. It is a central metaphor in the Andes. Water is not just terrestrial but cosmic phenomenon. The wave overcoming the stairs could be either the Milky Way, or Jacha Laqo Saytu Laqo the Towards Greater infinite born from a very black background in Lakanpu (sky). Therefore this wave is also the celestial river behind all the rivers. Aymara all know that the Goddess of the Milky Way has chosen to remain on earth Desaguadero River, where it sometimes appears during Jallu tiempo the rainy season. However, the river Desaguadero born of sacred waters of Titicaca.

water, whether either terrestrial or celestial, is life itself, always new energy from moment to moment, the cosmic flow. It is non-stop, the fluid motion and changing Pasha, space-time.

- Arthur Posnansky, Tiahuanaco, cuna del hombre americano , bilingual English-English editions Bosco, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, 1952, La Paz, Bolivia.
- The last illustration is taken from the thesis Blithz Lozada worldviews, historia y política en los Andes, Producciones Cima editores, 2008, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Diccionario de mitología Aymara Mario Montaño Aragón, Producciones Cima editores, 2006, La Paz, Bolivia.
- The razón y el indio by Fausto Reinaga, without mention of publisher, 1978, La Paz, Bolivia.

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Over the centuries, our search for knowledge has become a conceptual construct increasingly complex and ever expanding. We gradually mythologized expansion and accumulation of knowledge, viewing it as an unlimited company.

This myth of the expansion of knowledge ignores the possibility that our capacity for understanding is limited and very understanding - rather than the content alone - must face a certain kind of radical transformation. The expansion is not the only direction of knowledge, but only one of the salient qualities of our relationship to knowledge. In the passage from one condition to another human potential can appear entirely new forms of understanding, the same way that the entire space collapses into a black hole to emerge as a new universe. If this is the case, then the memory and the known can not find this application completely new type of knowledge, and even what we know now is not helpful at this time to face what comes, there immediately.

The type of understanding we have come to be called knowledge - whether in material or conceptual - can not exceed its capacity and therefore, understanding is limited by nature, both collectively and individually. We can train our brain and that of our children that in life, it retains the quantities information each time more important. We can also push the limits using computers running at breakneck speeds. But eventually, we're never going beyond the limits of the known.

Calling the other side is yet to feel. Is it an epilogue to the era of reason, the limits of science, the glorious end of the accumulation and comparison? The West is currently living the dissolution of its religions mythical tales about his spirituality, his initiations. But is it provided in a position to know the limits of his understanding? This would mean that the world unfolds and watch as it is, unrecognizable. Should we faced the very forces we are trying to avoid by building a world understandable. We ventured so far into the nature of the world we have dealt a heavy blow to the mechanistic basis of the universe. And what is emerging now is the paradigm of an acausal universe. Newtonian physics paved the way for quantum physics, but who knows what will happen in the quantum reality? The absence of causation presents a world where there was unrecognizable, one day, qualities such as meaning or purpose. The notion of cause and effect then brought us immense pleasure of a linear understanding, enabling to build a life worthwhile. But it would also lead us to presume knowledge and freeze life.

croquons When we in the apple, the price is paradise, but we also get in exchange anesthesia knowledge. Disappears once the narcotic effect of knowledge, we are seized by the fragility of our construction in terms of what it is not. And it is not, it's all an integral knowledge inaccessible to the understanding as a localized state, inaccessible by the known realities of the time, of causation, the direction and location. This understanding

itself that leads us to the limit, and therefore its own end, as it gives rise to the loss of any familiar reality. The fire consuming the known is the principle of a completely different mode of knowledge, which emerges from the ashes of understanding.

But are we ready to throw light processing, which destroys alchemical crucible, purifies, combines, transforms and creates what is coming and emerges from the sea of possibilities?

The following pages show the impossibility of exploring these questions through simple words. But the expression of this impossibility is also an invitation to everyone to the task - even impossible - to pay attention to a completely new way and regardless of content, understanding and knowledge that they probably can not find in these pages. It would be useless to try to draw empirical reasoning of this survey Acausality. Consider instead that these words are expressions of a movement to create shared a catalyst for the transformation that comes not from words, or even a dialogue between author and reader, but the complete abandonment of all that was, in favor of what comes here, now, immediately.

See also this thread:

- Toward the Unknown Magic
00 - Toward the Unknown Magic
0 - Toward the Unknown Magic (1)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (2)
- Towards Unknown magic (3)
- Towards the Unknown Magic (4)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (5)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (6)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (7)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (8)
- Toward the Unknown Magic (9)
- Unknown
Magic - Earth Dragon, magical experience
- What school of magic is this?
- Cultivate your passions
- Contact Spirit
- The Icon & the Oblation
- Fearless
- Talks on Magic

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Based on a tale Ayora, Abuela Grillo is a powerful metaphor for the consequences of the privatization of resources belonging to all. Whenever Grandma cricket sings, it begins to rain and the earth becomes fertile. Until someone decides to exploit Grandmother Grillon, producing the in concert, putting his bottled water for sale. The chaos that ensues, however, was predictable ... This cartoon Bolivian Luzmila Carpio which lends its magic song is easy to understand, since it is wordless.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Velvetta Pasta Chicken Rotel

Boxing Day Christmas Eve 2010 ...

Well, as every year on December 25 as a jovial Inuit unlikely I will rejoice in the light of day for about an hour (I got up to 4:30 p.m., and as the sun that day sets always to 5:30 p.m. ...) Well, my house on Christmas Eve does not end until 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning and then I really need more than 10 hours of sleep to recover. Do not mess with that. A Christmas Eve it must have some mouth (wood), last in time, leaving a trail of memories in the software.

This year again, the moment was magical, the meal delicious:

slices of smoked salmon but not phony,
prawns mischievous
mouthwatering crab rillettes,
salad hearts of palm and dreamers,
salmon steak and potato / chive / cream orgasmic,
old country cheeses,
fruit salad and ice log intoxicating
chocolates purposes à l'envi,
saké et frais Délicieusement laiteux f Lutes champagne provocative.

Ho les belles Gambas ...

Ho my good good milky sake ...

Ho my beautiful cup sake ...

Ho beautiful champagne flutes .. .

laughing out loud The fire in the fireplace. The beautifully decorated artificial tree could not stop to make it interesting. Garlands flashing placed here and there in the house we were constantly in the eye. D Ehor the intense snow has flouted the landscape. A Christmas Eve with his immaculate white veil, it was long! And like every year, on the roofs of houses, these snowmen in red is very strange, trying to walk very agile on the slippery tiles, gesturing toward chimneys . And no one to offer them to come have a drink of sparkling flute. Is that we did not dare disturb them, z'avaient seem to be a bit supernatural, then their very difficult task ...


GOOD WILL, You make me lay down again.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Famous Sportsmen With Hernias

Christmas Eve 2010, OJ!

There. Now is the long awaited moment for those who like the wake of year-end, including the Christmas! Christmas over the years becomes more and more a non-religious festival, following the steady decline of Christianity, and so much more! Do not forget that even when This Christmas was originally a pagan popular rendezvous and festive, to celebrate the winter solstice. People were open presents, centuries before the birth of consumer society!

This festival was subsequently Christianized ( vampirized) by successive Popes Catholic trying to bring back the life of the city to the religious and the Bible to make it work right the populace (objective sought by the clergy has always been under cover Humanism disheveled). There is no date indicating the birth of Christ in the Gospels. 24 and December 25 were ultimately no scientific reality s As regards the Christians (and few people know) and this feast Winter Solstice has come back to the people.

"The Birth of Jesus is celebrated by Christians of East and West December 25. Some Orthodox Churches (those of Jerusalem, Russia, Serbia and Mount Athos) use the Julian calendar: for them, December 25 currently falls on January 7. No text in the Gospels does not specify the period of the year when this event took place. The Pope Liberius who decides, in 354, that Christmas will be celebrated on December 25, coding the first celebration to be able to assimilate and pagan festivals, celebrated around the winter solstice. For symbolic reasons and in order to Christianize the ancient pagan festivals that date was gradually extended throughout the Latin West. This new date was quickly adopted in the East (a sermon of St. John Chrysostom attests) and it supplants the ancient date of January 6. Only the Armenian Church has preserved the ancient custom of celebrating together, January 6, both the Nativity, Adoration of the Magi and the Baptism of Christ. On 6 January, the Eastern Churches are celebrating today the baptism of Christ and the Adoration of the Magi Westerners, events related to the advent of Christ in the world. " (Source Wikipedia)

Well, that is, the true God to celebrate the 24th and 25th December, he:


Monday, December 20, 2010

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The serial "The happy age": a concentrate of poetry and fresh from France of the "thirty glorious years"! The

Whether you are a woman or a man, materialistic and romantic, optimistic or pessimistic, we were all a children's day, and sometimes this blessed period back to the surface memories more or less vague, more or less pleasant, snatches of time that does not want to die feeling, evanescent fragrance not entirely wiped out by the time vortex.

During my teenage years and young adulthood, when I tried remember the sweet emotions of my childhood, I often returned inaccurate but captivating image of two young girls walking down the surface of the roof of the Paris Opera in an immaculate sky. This unusual vision was tenacious. Had I dreamed? I decided one day to make targeted research, using books and the Internet on the series created in the 60s and 70s because I was increasingly convinced that this "vision" came from a soap opera probably saw during my childhood. My searches were successful when I fell on DVD catalog company Koba Films / Memory TV on DVD reissues that major French television serials heritage. On the cover of the series Age happy I finally saw the image of these two little girls on the roof of the Palais Garnier that haunted me for years! I rushed to buy it and review it. The emotion was very strong in finding the protagonists of this poetic history: all these bits of diffuse sensations finally materialized in my "small window".

Among beautiful images television of my childhood that peopled my imagination forever ...

Odette Joyeux
The series Age pleased was written by Odette Joyeux ( old little rat of the Opera and plays the role of the mother of the little Delphine ), directed by Philippe Agostini and distributed into 8 slices 26 minutes from the February 12, 1966 on the first channel of the ORTF, then rebroadcast several times in the 70s, c ' is also during these replays seventies I had to find out. He narrated the lives of young rats from the Paris Opera, learning through their difficult journey of initiation of early Delphine Nadal (played by the dreamy Delphine Desyeux ) chosen to be the first role the new ballet in preparation, and soon the victim of a plot hatched by one of his friends jealous of his talent. Delphine found himself facing a Kafkaesque dilemma (due to a lost key, fell into a pot of paint, sometimes it happens nerd in life!) And that I will not expose here in If you would like to see this program. Found in this charming story of actors who made the heyday of television such Pierre Mondy boosted by manager of the Opera, or the kind Louis Velle which portrays a musician in love with the mother of Delphine .

Little Delphine Nadal in disarray (Delphine Desyeux)

Georges Auric in 1940
Music was signed by the great composer Georges Auric , creator of beautiful scores Jean Cocteau for (little excuse) and then Director of the Paris Opera. Some dancers are stars played themselves. Many of the drama scenes were filmed on location in the streets of the capital and is moving these days to see the rebirth of our eyes this Paris of the "golden era", the France of 1966 when everything still seemed possible, where the Urban Wildlife and "modernity" had not yet done their damage. In Age pleased smells the sweet scent of France before the crisis, France appeased view through the eyes of a child destined to be a star among stars. All that is now engraved for eternity on DVD and available to everyone! And you can measure what we've lost along the way, thinking that when French television, though much less well funded than now, yet knew we provide quality programs and we had not yet condemned to suffer the tide of American soap operas inept. This famous TV show for "thirty glorious years", which is sometimes so easy to mock, was able with three pieces of string and a lot talent to make programs full of poetry. Finally, note that with the success and multiple repeats of Age pleased , a sequel was finally completed 9 years later with the same team ( Agostini and Happy ) but not the same actors. This new creation logically named age in bloom was broadcast on TF1 in 16 episodes of 26 minutes from the February 27, 1975. I have more than a memory hazy. Why I decided to buy it on DVD also. Nostalgia, when you hold us ...

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5 x 2 + 8 women

5 x 2

Top 10 favorite films of Cinégotier in 2010. For Christmas, this chain of images:

Mysteries Lisbon
Raoul Ruiz

Uncle Boonmee
(who remembers his past lives) by Apichatpong Weerasethakul

3 Nostalgia light
Patricio Guzmán

Gregg Araki

Tour Mathieu Amalric

Dreams dancing,
the footsteps of Pina Bausch

Linsel Anne & Rainer Hoffmann

7 The ghost-writer
Roman Polanski

Men and Gods
Xavier Beauvois

9 The Social Network
David Fincher

10 Life at the ranch
Sophie Letourneur


7 women's faces come to the surface film of this year. 7? ... No, not 8. Look for the (huge) mistake!

Catherine Deneuve
Potiche François Ozon

Yoon Jung-He
Poetry Lee Chang-Dong

Julie Delpy
Countess Julie

Juliette Binoche
True Copy Abbas Kiarostami

Isabelle Huppert
White material Claire Denis

Laetitia Casta
Gainsbourg (heroic life) Johann Sfar

Gerard Depardieu
Mammuth of Benoit Delepine Gustave Kervern &
Isabelle Adjani

Rapunzel Walt Disney


. .